Commercial Painting

Professional Commercial Painting

Professional Commercial Painting

Orlando Painting Company provides professional commercial painting services that use the same methods and procedures as our residential home painting but on a different scale.

We have experience painting all forms of commercial properties including institutional, restaurant, parking garage, strip mall, office complexes, shopping centers, government painting and high-rise painting.
Cafe Interior Design — Orlando, FL — Orlando Painting Co Inc

Extra Care When Painting High Traffic Areas

Unlike residential painting, business paint jobs are usually in high traffic areas. A commercial painting contractor must be alert of the potential dangers of having people on the job site going about their business.

A 45-year Accident Free Track Record

Unlike new construction, commercial repainting has the public at risk. Please be assured that Orlando Painting Company Inc. has over 45 years’ experience in commercial painting in the central Florida area. We are the oldest and most trusted painting contractor in Orlando and we have an accident free 45-year track record to prove it.

A 45-year Accident Free Track Record

Unlike new construction, commercial repainting has the public at risk. Please be assured that Orlando Painting Company Inc. has over 45 years’ experience in commercial painting in the central Florida area. We are the oldest and most trusted painting contractor in Orlando and we have an accident free 45-year track record to prove it.

All Painting Supervised by the Owner

In addition to that you always deal directly with the owner or Orlando Painting Company Inc. You can expect the owner to supervise the entire painting of your building as he works on the jobsite alongside skilled journeyman painters. Your project could not be trusted to a more reliable painting company. We are an Accredited A+ rated painting company with the Better Business Bureau.

Contact Orlando Painting Company Today for a Free Estimate for Commercial Painting

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