
Learn More About Orlando Painting Company

Learn More About Orlando Painting Company

Back in the 1960s before the Beatles were on the Ed Sullivan show, Patrick Trevison had already established his painting career.

Patrick watched the Orlando area grow over the years and observed many painting contractors establish new paint businesses each year just to see them dissolve as soon as the “busy” season was over. Patrick realized that the exploding growth of Central Florida would create a demand for honest and reliable painting contractors whose reputation and professionalism could carry them through each year. Patrick seized the opportunity to create a dedicated and skilled staff committed to serving the community.
House Installation with Painting Materials — Orlando, FL — Orlando Painting Co Inc

Painting Homes and Businesses in the Community

Since that time Patrick and the Orlando Painting Company have painted thousands of offices, warehouses, institutions, commercial properties, and residential homes just like yours. Having been in the community so long it is almost guaranteed that Patrick has painted a house in your very neighborhood.

Patrick established an ongoing education program that includes; personally, mentoring and supervising each new employee, learning about the painting products that are currently available and which ones can best protect your home in Florida weather, understanding how buildings have been constructed and how they were painted. This information helps us to understand the potential problems associated with repainting work. Orlando Painting Company 1980.

The Oldest and Most Trusted Painting Company

Today, Orlando Painting Company is the oldest and most trusted painting company in central Florida. We offer the public the benefit of the vast knowledge and local expertise we have acquired since the 1960s.

And best of all – even today, Patrick is on every job working alongside his men which gives your paint project direct hands-on supervision. At Orlando Painting Company, you always deal directly with the owner.

In addition to this, you can feel confident allowing us onto your job site or into your home. Orlando Painting Company 1990. Orlando Painting Company, Inc. has earned the “Seal of Approval” from AskTheSeal.com. This means they have independently verified our license, insurance, customer satisfaction rating and checked the backgrounds of our personnel. Also, we have the highest possible rating, an A+, from the Better Business Bureau. We've been accredited with the Better Business Bureau longer than most other painting services have even been in Orlando.
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